Saturday, May 20, 2006

Comfortably Numb

Some to many fishermen often bring beer with them. Although I love Sam Adams, Bass Ale, Theakston's Old Peculiar, which I discovered during my three-months in London and was able to find over here, I rarely drink when I fish.

I usually fish alone, frequently in spots where if you take a wrong step, you can get hurt. I've been seriously injured several times during my life, and I don't need another hospital visit and more pain. So I need my senses working at 100 percent.

Since I have to drive myself home, sometimes after the sun goes down, I prefer not to drink.

Instead of beer, I usually bring bottled water with me. It's always refreshing.

Tomorrow, I will return to Dobbs Ferry. High tide is at 5:41 PM. Playing it safe? Perhaps, but I'm also going to experiment with different baits.