Sunday, June 04, 2006
A Soul in Tension That's Learning to Fly
I got to Dobbs Ferry around 3:20 PM.
Conditions were ideal to perfect. The skies were cloudy. There was little or wind. The water was calm. I got there about two hours before high tide.
I expected a productive day. Unfortunately, I came up short.
At Jack's Bait and Tackle, I got three fresh bunker, five live eels, and six frozen herring.
I had difficulty hooking an eel to my line. They're so slippery that they're difficult to hold on to even with gloves. I finally got him hooked. I didn't get a single bite with the eel line. About two hours later, it was still alive. I figured I wouldn't get anything with eels. Maybe it was too late for striped bass. So I released the eel and the other four waiting in the bucket.
I got a bite or two with the herring (after it thawed out).
I had the best results with the fresh bunker. I managed to get two catfish, which were both 16 inches. I did hook a third, but the line snapped as I was about to pull it out of the water. I watched it swim away. It looked no bigger than the other two.
I actually had a lot of bites today. Either the fish let go of the bait or managed to remove it from the hook. At this time, I don't know if I was using "baitholding" hooks with an extra jag to keep the bait in place.
I also noticed that I was low on supplies. Next time, I have to stock up on two-ounce sinkers and some bait-holding hooks.
As I was fishing, this kid in a red Honda pulled up in front of the river. He didn't get out of his car. I saw his head sink on the steering wheel. He looked really distressed. What could have been troubling him? Work? School? Parents? Girlfiend? It crossed my mind that he might drive his car into the river. I thought about approaching him, knocking on the glass, and asking if he was all right. Maybe he needed someone to talk to. But I never did. That might be too intrusive. Sometimes to clear your head, you need to be alone. Had he got out and come over, I might have asked. I said a brief prayer for him, asking God to help him.
Lord knows I've done things I'm ashamed of and regret. I've gone through my share of pain and disappointments. But I survived, learned a thing or two, and managed to move on.
I later saw him talking on his cell phone. He eventually left. I hope he's all right.
As for me, I left at 8:30. I also took a garbage bag full of litter I picked up in the area. Too many visitors often use the area as a dumping ground. I cleaned what I could.
Fishing-wise, this weekend has been a bit of a letdown.
But there's always next time.