Sunday, November 11, 2007

There's Someone in My Head, But It's Not Me

The three of you who regularly read my blog have been probably wondering where I've been the last five months. No, I didn't drown accidentally. I didn't take up golf.

I did go fishing three more times since the June 11 post. I just posted the account of my July 2 trip. A few days after that, I tried the Esopus Creek in Ulster County. I went fishing for only 30 minutes. I kept losing the lures on the rocks in the shallow water. I just gave up in frustration.

In August, I went on a party boat for the first time since 1981 or so. I went with my two cousins and several other people. The trip was organized as part of my cousin's bachelor party. We went out on Jamaica Bay, off Howard Beach in Queens. We were out for four hours. The fishing all around wasn't that great. I didn't catch anything. Still, I had fun.

So why didn't I post anything since mid-June? If you recall, I didn't even start fishing until mid-May, missing the early, and for me, the best part of the season.

For me, it's been a very tough year. I've been distracted, emotionally drained, frequently tired, burned out, and hurting physically. I've also had a few long bouts of depression. My job performance and freelance work have both suffered notably. I guess 2007 is a year I would prefer to forget. My life has become a series of Pink Floyd songs.

So now, in mid-November, it's too cold to go fishing. I put my gear away last month. I plan on spending the next few months addressing these personal issues and trying to improve my physical and mental health. I will also scout new areas where I can fish. I hope to bounce back and start fishing again in mid or late March. So keep me in your prayers. I can use them.

So see you next spring.

The (Only) Catch of the Day

This is the first sea robin I ever caught. It was less than a foot long. Despite its ugliness, I'm glad I caught something. I threw it back.

I'll See You on the Dark Side of the Moon

On Monday, July 2, I decided to finally experiment with a little night fishing. I got three fresh bunker and three frozen herring from Jack’s, and I went back to Hudson Park.

I started fishing at 7 PM when the sun was still out. I didn’t check the tide charts, and I got there at low tide. Sections of the marina were practically dry, and you could see the mud.

I had a few bites but no luck at first. I was thinking that the crabs were toying with me again.

It eventually got dark. I wasn’t really worried about safety. The New Rochelle Police Department’s Harbor Unit is stationed right near the parking lot, and the police often make their rounds. There were also other fishermen and the usual park visitors.

Last time I fished here, I noticed a lot of fish jumping out of the water like they were in a frenzy as the sun was going down. I didn’t see that this time. Maybe it was the tide.

I looked for the moon in the night sky, but it wasn’t there. The moon, a full one, finally creeped over the horizon.

I often reeled in my lines to check the bait. Often, the hooks were clean. Other times, the bait was partially eaten. Since I had plenty of bait, I often replaced it on the hooks. (The ice in the bucket preserved the bunker and the herring for hours.)

As the night dragged on, I got frustrated. I asked God to let me catch just one fish.

God answered my prayer. At one point, I decided to check one line. As I was reeling it in, I realized I had hooked something. I didn’t feel like a fish. Maybe it was a crab, an eel, or garbage. When I pulled it out, I saw that I did a catch a fish. It was probably the ugliest one I ever caught. It had these black eyes and large fins that seemed like wings. It took me a few days to learn that I caught a sea robin. I threw him back.

I had more bites but no more luck. One fisherman got lucky and caught a 22-inch striped bass, which he returned to the water.

Around 11:30 PM, I decided to call it a night.

I’ll definitely try night fishing in Hudson Park again soon, but at high tide.

Fisherman's Note: I wrote this perhaps a few days later when my recollections were still fresh. I saved it on my laptop, but I never posted it until now.